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Galvanized Dairy Equipment

Manufactured in Denver, PA

Variable Speed Drives for FalconTM Gear-Drive Fans

Variable Speed Drive Top Image

Variable Speed Drives for FALCONTM Gear Drive Fans

  • Auto-tuning drives do not interfere with Wireless ID Systems
  • Touch screen interface displays real time monitoring of current power consumption, windspeed, temperature and costs per day, week, month or year.
    Convenient setting adjustments to fully optimize power consumed by the system and realize dramatic energy savings.
  • Easy to access variable speed drive panels mounted outside and away from corrosive conditions.
    Uses conventional wiring methods between drive panels and fan motors
Touch Screen Controller

Touch Screen Controller

Mounted inside the barn at any convenient location(s) within 1000 ft. of the exterior drive panel.

Exterior Drive Panel

Easy to Access Exterior Drive Panel

Mounted outside and away from corrosive conditions.

Increase Summertime Production!

Premium Quality American-Made Fans are especially for agricultural facilities. Mount easily and move air effectively year-round. DOWNLOAD our PDF literature to see our selection.