USDA announces new leadership team for food and nutrition initiatives

USAgNet - 01/17/2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recently announced significant appointments for its senior staff in Washington, D.C., reflecting a renewed focus on nutrition and consumer services. Kumar Chandran steps in as the Acting Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services (FNCS).

With a background in nutrition advocacy and public service, Chandran's expertise is expected to advance the Biden-Harris administration's health and nutrition initiatives.

Stacy Dean continues as Deputy Under Secretary for FNCS, bringing her extensive experience and vision in transforming USDA's food and nutrition programs. Justo Robles rejoins USDA as Deputy Chief of Staff in the Office of the Secretary. His prior experience in various governmental roles, including at the Department of Defense and FEMA, positions him to build a diverse and effective leadership team at USDA.

Russellie Bongolan, appointed as Chief of Staff to Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Xochitl Torres Small, brings over a decade of experience in public and private sectors. Her role focuses on supporting USDA’s internal operations and ensuring the effective delivery of programs.

Lastly, Alberto A. Gonzalez, Jr. takes on the role of Senior Policy Advisor at the Food and Nutrition Service. Gonzalez's previous work in health and nutrition policy at Unidos US and other organizations equipped him to serve as a Chief Policy Advisor.

These appointments underscore the USDA's commitment to fighting hunger, improving nutrition, and ensuring equitable access to food and nutrition services across America.

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