Cattlemen's Beef Board Okays $38 Million Budget

USAgNet - 09/12/2024

The Cattlemen's Beef Board will invest approximately $38 million into programs of beef promotion, research, consumer information, industry information, foreign marketing, and producer communications during fiscal 2025, subject to USDA approval.

In action at the end of its September 4-5 meeting in Denver, Colorado, the Beef Promotion Operating Committee (BPOC) approved Checkoff funding for a total of 12 "Authorization Requests" - or grant proposals - for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024. The committee, which includes 10 producers and importers from the Cattlemen's Beef Board and 10 producers from the Federation of State Beef Councils, also recommended full Cattlemen's Beef Board approval of a budget amendment to reflect the split of funding between budget categories affected by their decisions.

Eight contractors and two subcontractors brought 12 Authorization Requests worth approximately $46.8 million to the BPOC this week, approximately $8.8 million more than the funds available from the CBB budget.

"We're consistently impressed with the proposals that our contractors bring forward each year, and choosing which initiatives to fund is a real challenge," said Andy Bishop, CBB and BPOC chair. "Our budget amounts to slightly less each year because of inflation. To put it in perspective, a dollar in 1985 is worth just 35 centsĀ¹ today. That means we simply don't have the buying power that we had when this program first started.

"As we expected, the Authorization Requests we reviewed this week were full of new ideas and innovative approaches supporting the Checkoff's core programs of research, promotion, foreign marketing, industry information, consumer information and producer communications. Our committee did a great job of balancing our budget and distributing our limited funds in what we believe is the most optimal way possible. I personally thank our contractors and committee members for all their hard work, and I look forward to future Checkoff successes throughout FY25."

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