About Us

In the fall of 2009 when Conrad Martin was 16 and still on the farm; his father, Scott, purchased ten older trade-in lawn tractors from the local dealer. A few worked, but most of them didn't. Conrad worked as a self-taught mechanic, while Scott was his business advisor and coach. Through it all, Conrad learned a lot, even though profits were slim, if existent.
Conrad graduated from 10th grade the following spring and went to work in a generator manufacturing facility. He filled the role of parts inventory manager, and shipping and receiving associate for some time before transferring to a position as an electrical technician. He greatly enjoyed this job and benefits today from the many things he learned while there. But, a few years later, Conrad was asked to teach in a small private school. This he did for three years before incorporating Greenscapes Lawn & Garden in the fall of 2016. While teaching, and between terms; he worked several part-time jobs including: tractor repair, mini-barn manufacturing, and metal fabrication.
Conrad, with his wife Mary Beth, moved to their current property in the fall of 2016 and started selling used lawn mowers off their front lawn. The fall was unusually mild, and sales were brisk. The following spring they decided to build a shop, and take on Husqvarna as their primary retail line.
Today, Greenscapes Lawn & Garden LLC has grown to be your "One Stop Mower Shop". Conrad & Mary Beth Martin are grateful to God for blessing their endeavor of faith. Their desire is not only to make a living for their growing family, but also to be a blessing to others, and ultimately to help everyone to identify with Christ as his/her personal Savior and Lord.