NFU sets advocacy goals at 2024 convention

USAgNet - 03/14/2024

The National Farmers Union (NFU) recently wrapped up its 2024 Convention, a critical gathering for setting the stage in advocacy for family farmers and ranchers across the United States. Amidst a backdrop of fluctuating commodity prices, soaring input costs, extreme weather, and uncertain policies, the convention focused on fortifying the agricultural community's resilience.

NFU President Rob Larew emphasized the significance of the event, noting the pivotal year ahead for the agricultural sector. Delegates engaged in a democratic process, reflecting the organization's grassroots ethos, to debate and adopt the NFU's policy book and six special orders of business. These orders highlight key areas for concentrated effort in the coming year, including: • Ensuring fairness for farmers • Shaping the 2024 Farm Bill with family farming at the core • Strengthening the farm safety net • Prioritizing family farming in conservation efforts • Reforming dairy policy to benefit family farms • Supporting the cooperative business model and celebrating the International Year of Cooperatives

These actions set a clear direction for the NFU's advocacy, aiming to address the immediate and long-term needs of family farmers and ranchers. By focusing on fairness, policy reform, and sustainable practices, the NFU aims to navigate the agricultural sector through its current challenges towards a more prosperous future for all involved in family farming.

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