About Us
For the past number of decades, the American chicken industry has grown exponentially. It has not only grown in numbers of pounds processed, it has also developed tremendously in the speed of processing. What was considered an average live bird size of 3.07 lb. in 1950, now has become an average live bird size of 6.2lb. today. That 3.07lb. live bird in 1950 was processed almost exclusively by hand. The bird of today is processed mostly with total automation. The American poultry industry is considered the most efficient in the world. The United States produces approximately 59 billion pounds of chicken meat annually!
Here at Locust Point Farms, as we produce the Chesapeake Choice brand, we ponder those facts. Is an increasingly larger bird the most desirable? Is an increasingly faster-growing bird the most desirable? Is an increasingly efficient poultry industry the ultimate?
Now, of course, increases in efficiency are necessary. God expects us to use the resources at our disposal as wisely as possible. The financial burden of doing everything has increased. But is there a line that has been crossed? Has the American chicken industry sacrificed some end consumer value at the altar of efficiency?
The birds that we raise and process at Locust Point Farms are not necessarily slow growing breeds. The birds that we raise are efficient converters of feed. But when we determine feed rations, we do not put an undue amount of emphasis on the fastest growing bird that we can find. We rather emphasize the best quality of meat that we can come up with. And part of that quality is raising our birds without antibiotics. We do not claim to never use antibiotics, as we feel that would be less than humane for a flock that got sick. But at the time of this writing, we have never had to use antibiotics in any of our flocks, and should such occur, those birds would be separated from the rest of the production flow.
When it comes to processing at Locust Point Farms, we are not a completely manual operation. We have utilized some automation to increase efficiencies. But the first and foremost consideration as we build and maintain our systems is a superior quality product for your dinner table. When it comes to customer satisfaction here at Locust Point Farms, we strive to build on the foundational principles of integrity and service. What other chicken company can you call and talk directly to the owner about a question or concern?
What started here in 1980 as a very small, family effort to prepare turkeys for the holidays, has now grown to a federally inspected facility that strives to continue that effort to do the best that we can.
So is a smaller bird tastier? Is a hands on oriented processing operation better? We think so. But please, don’t take our word for it. Buy some Chesapeake Choice chicken for yourself, and you be the judge. Add to our family of customers that believe they are purchasing quality chicken from a trusted source.