WIC nutrition update - A Leap forward in 2024

USAgNet - 04/10/2024

Secretary Tom Vilsack and the administration have announced significant updates to the WIC program, targeting enhanced nutrition for nearly seven million Americans. This move aligns with efforts to ensure WIC's full funding for FY 2024, emphasizing the administration's commitment to nutrition security and health.

The updated WIC food packages now include a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains like quinoa and teff, and dairy alternatives to cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences. Recognizing the importance of flexibility, the program now allows for a more generous provision of fruits and vegetables, alongside dairy substitutes and an array of whole grains to accommodate individual tastes and cultural diets.

Key enhancements also involve the inclusion of canned fish and beans in food packages, alongside more accessible infant formula options to support breastfeeding. These changes, built on public feedback and the latest nutritional science, aim to fill nutritional gaps and promote healthy development.

The initiative underscores USDA's dedication to reducing health disparities, especially among Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black communities, by offering nutritionally rich foods and educational support. With a two-year implementation window, state agencies will adapt these updates to best serve their communities, ensuring the WIC program remains a cornerstone of public health and nutritional security.

This update not only underscores the Administration's commitment to health and equity but also reinforces WIC's role in supporting the nation's most vulnerable populations through scientifically backed nutrition guidance.

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